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Crime & Disorder – Wrotham Crime Diary

WPC launched the second Crime Diary in December 2023 and it is proving to be successful in drawing attention to, and curtailing Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and crime.

Police Officers and the CSU served 2 Community Protection Warnings, on addresses that have been reported to them in Wrotham. If these warnings are ignored, then the perpetrators are committing a criminal offence and further action is taken.

If you have seen a crime or are aware of locations where equipment being used unlawfully, for instance motorbikes are stored, then please contact us immediately. It can be anonymous if you prefer however, we do not disclose names anyway.

How do villagers report into the Crime Diary?

  1. By letter using the WPC post-box in Hardens. Go past the counter and it’s on the right, above the magazine rack.
  2. Text or WhatsApp messages to a dedicated Mobile phone number: 07568 056484
  3. By email:

What should be included when reporting an incident?

– Crime should be reported to police using 101 or 999 as appropriate. A crime reference number should be obtained and be included when reporting this to WPC.

Third Illegal Off-Road Bike Seized in Wrotham

Following on from hundreds of reports to the Wrotham Crime Diary of crimes and ASB perpetrated in and around Wrotham, Officers from Tonbridge Neighbourhood Task Force seized a third off-road bike last weekend.

We receive reports daily about nuisance bikes and ASB, often with names and addresses, and they are now all passed on to the police and Clarion Homes for action.

Thanks to everyone as your reports are already making a real difference.

Bike seizures and vehicle related crime hurt the perpetrators both by the loss of the bike and in the pocket when they try to register and insure motorbikes or cars in the future.

15 June 2024

Third Illegal Bike Being Removed From Wrotham